Who is this week’s Famous Rotarian?
This week's famous Rotarian made it possible for us to celebrate Mother's Day,

birthdays, anniversaries and all manner of events and holidays.
Who is this famous Rotarian?


(Answer is below.)





Next week's famous Rotarians were not Presidents of their club, but were Presidents nevertheless!

Who are these famous Rotarians?

- See more at: http://redhookrotaryclub.org/#sthash.zvhoNa3G.dpuf


Next week's famous Rotarians were not Presidents of their club, but were Presidents nevertheless!

Who are these famous Rotarians?

- See more at: http://redhookrotaryclub.org/#sthash.zvhoNa3G.dpuf



Next week's famous Rotarians were not Presidents of their club, but were Presidents nevertheless!

Who are these famous Rotarians?

- See more at: http://redhookrotaryclub.org/#sthash.zvhoNa3G.dpuf
Next week's famous Rotarians were not Presidents of their club, but were Presidents nevertheless!

Who are these famous Rotarians?

- See more at: http://redhookrotaryclub.org/#sthash.RZ00RDjJ.dpThe answer can be found elsewhere in this website!